Weekly Activities
Sandwiched between the two morning worship services, Youth Sunday School starts at about 9:50 (or whenever the "Next Step" service is over and the remaining refreshments are devoured!) This is the time when we concentrate on the basics with sound, Bible-based discussion. Sunday nights we meet for U.M.Y.F. - the United Methodist Youth Fellowship, beginning with a snack supper at 5:00 PM (food again, hmmm there seems to be a pattern here!) UMYF is where we discuss current issues and topics and talk about what's really on our minds. We usually top off the night with some kind of game or something just for fun. And there you have it - that's our weekly schedule. We'd love for you to come and hang out with us at any of these times. But think that's all there is to us? Guess again, because we do a bunch of other cool stuff during the year.
Other Cool Stuff:
- Retreats
- Mission Trips
- Service Projects
- Fun Trips
- Youth-Led Worship
- Confirmation Class
- Scholarships