The Adult Sunday School program is alive and well at Holmes Street! Although there are many other wonderful small group opportunities, Sunday School continues to be a draw for many members. And with good reason! Sound scriptural study at a convenient, stable time, with built-in child care (children’s Sunday School) and fellowship activities – its a time-honored but still very relevant avenue for growth in their faith journey for many members. Learn More
HSUMC has a local unit of United Women in Faith. UWiF’s purpose and objectives are shared throughout the national organization making its support of global ministries very effective. Learn More
The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. Emmaus leaders encourage participants to meet regularly in small groups after they have completed their Walk.These “reunion” groups challenge and support one another in faithful living. By participating in reunion groups, Christian people strengthen and renew themselves and each other as disciples of Jesus Christ and as active members of the body of Christ in mission to the world. Holmes Street is very active in the Emmaus community. Learn More
Music ministry offers a means by which we can use our gifts to glorify God but also functions as a series of small groups where we sing, we laugh, we pray, we play our instruments, and we nuture and support each other. Holmes Street’s Adult Choir is a vital component of the 10:55 Traditional service. The choir presents an anthem and liturgical components of worship, in a variety of styles, each Sunday. Christmas and Easter are times where a larger choir presents special music combined with orchestration providing particularly inspiring, moving services during these holy seasons. The Holmes Street Praise Band is a key ingredient of our Next Step Contemporary service. Talented vocalists and instrumentalists come together to lead the service with more modern worship music in a casual setting.
In the spirit of true family, the Care and Share Team at is on call to respond when a church member experiences a birth, death or even illness in their family. The goal is to embrace the family with love and assist them with whatever needs they might have. Volunteers to help in this worthwhile endeavor are always welcome.