Gathering for meaningful worship each week is a crucial element of Holmes Street’s mission and vision. We offer two different styles of in-person worship service at different times to accommodate different worship preferences as well as family scheduling. We also broadcast our service each week through live streaming on Facebook.
Although the services differ in style, there are some key similarities:
- a warm hospitable atmosphere
- sound Biblical teaching
- children to attend and sit with families
Next Step: Contemporary Service
Sunday Mornings at 9:00 AM
Want to worship in a casual atmosphere with upbeat music and media-friendly messages? Than our "Next Step" service is for you! Next Step begins at 9:00 am on Sunday mornings in our multi-purpose room and features:
- Casual dress
- Informal atmosphere
- Warm, friendly vibe
- Live praise band
- Message by one of our pastors
- Videos and graphics on screen
Wherever you are in life, take the Next Step with us!
Traditional Service
Sunday Mornings at 11:00 AM
Traditional but not "stuffy", this service is held in our sanctuary. The Traditional service draws on our rich heritage of liturgy and church music to create an uplifting worship experience. The traditional service includes:
- Vocal groups
- Creative Altar Settings
- Hymns accompanied by piano
- Responsive Readings
- Acolytes and Ushers
- Lay Liturgists
- Sermon by one of our pastors.
Join us for a warm and friendly worship experience.