Please sign-in your children when dropping them off in the children's area. Entrance located on Dallas Street (look for the balcony).
Children's safety and protection are a priority and our ministry workers are all required to have background checks.

Zone - Grades K thru 5
What: Holmes Street’s Sunday morning for kids K through 5th grade.
Why: We believe that learning about God, Jesus, and God’s Word (the Bible) helps boys and girls learn they have a valuable purpose in life and a supporting church family where they belong.A place to get into the ZONE!
How: Children learn and share active experiences through stories, music, games, videos, crafts, food, and service projects that contribute to their spiritual and personal growth.
When: Zone meets every Sunday morning from 9:45 - 10:45 am; Zone also meets at various times during the school year for special activities.

Holmes Street offers an infant nursery, a toddlers + class, and a pre-school Sunday school class each week during Sunday school (9:45-10:45 AM).
Children are certainly welcome during all of our worship services, (we actually love the sound of little ones!) or Nursery and Toddler child-care is also available during the Next Step Service, 9-9:45, and our Traditional Service, 10:55-12:00 each Sunday.
Seasonal Events
► Vacational Bible School
► Live Manger Scene
► BIbles presented to rising third graders
► Summer Activity Days