The Adult Sunday School program is alive and well at Holmes Street! Although there are many other wonderful small group opportunities, Sunday School continues to be a draw for many members. And with good reason! Sound scriptural study at a convenient, stable time, with built-in child care (children's Sunday School) and fellowship activities - its a time-honored but still very relevant avenue for growth in their faith journey for many members.
Agape Sunday School Class
For over 30 years, the Agape class has been living the meaningbehind their class name. Examples of Christian love, self sacrificing and being charitable are part of the history of this class at HSUMC. On Sundays members share teaching responsibilities of the various lessons derived from formal learning series, current books and videos. Of course, everyone is invited to visit on any Sunday and join the Agape class. Class projects have included help for a family at Christmas, financial help with utility bills for needy, cookouts for youth, painting elementary classrooms and scrubbing in the kitchen. If you want to visit the Agape class you can find them in the classroom hall downstairs in the Sanctuary building.
Focus Sunday School Class
An all inclusive, mission-minded group not based on age or life stage, the Founder's Hall Sunday School class originated as a short-term study group. After the study concluded, the members agreed to become a Sunday School class that began meeting in Founder's Hall and moved to the sanctuary basement.
Lesson are usually lead by class members alternating weekly. Lesson series are varied reflecting the member's current interests and needs. Recent studies include Adam Hamilton's What it Means to be United Methodist, William Barclay's The Acts of the Apostles, and Ray Vanderlaan's God Heard their Cry. The class has also studied books such as The Shack by William P. Young and Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.
Missions and service projects are an important part of this group. Recent projects include:
►Preparing a bedroom and bathroom for the New Directions House
►Sending care packages to Holmes Street college students
►Sponsoring a cookout with musical entertainment to raise mony for the building fund
►Providing breakfast for the First Stop ministry
►Refurbishing their classroom with new chairs, fresh paint, and other decoration items
►Sponsoring families at Christmas
Fun and fellowship events are also held periodically.